
Material Breach and Business Failures

October 23, 2019

BY Frank Bruno

It’s me, Frank Bruno with HiredHenchman and more about Material Breach and Business Failures.  If you just watched Video #2, you can tell it’s still Casual Monday, which means I cranked through it in only 7takes! So, Material Breach and Business Failures, which likely occurrence would be exactly the same time when your contingency plan needs to work.  Likely scenarios include software providers who either don’t know how to manage money or their tech debt very well. History has shown us time and time again why companies fail as an ongoing concern and the pain felt by the after math is clear. Someone on the buy side of the equation holding the proverbial bag of shit has to explain why they can’t access their data or do any work. The next question is always “what are we going to do now?”


That is where a well-tested Contingency Plan including DRaaS to an alternative provider running recent VM images that will not only allow you to download and migrate your data quickly, but allow your users to keep working while all this happens (likely no less than 6 months of transitioning). Now consider the moving parts to all of this and how the API library connects to other technology. Do you have the right configurations or know how to transition from the old IP address to the next? Someone needs to know that, and you need to have access to their intellectual capital (institutional knowledge) to make your Contingency Plan work.


If your provider is in material breach or bankruptcy, do you think they will be able to provide transition services?  Um NO! So, let’s talk more about Contingency Planning for material breach and business failure next.  Till then I am Frank Bruno with HiredHenchman.